Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Eat better to lose weight

Do you know you can lose weight by eating better? Just by learning to eat better you can improve your chances of not only losing the weight but also keeping it off.
But how do you eat better? I've tried so many diets and fads I am just lost in all this information. Well the best way to achieve this is through planning your meals. Yeah it sounds like a drag but in a matter of minutes you can have a list of meals that you can create and be better organized with ingredients etc.

Planning meals ahead of time helps you:

* Have healthy food on hand

* Make fewer trips to the grocery store

* Eat less high-calorie, take-out meals

* Increase the variety of foods you eat each week

And better still, all this leads to you losing that weight and keeping it off.

So how do I get started? Lets have a look at your options.

Firstly, you could hire a Nutrition Consultant, that would get expensive considering that most consultants will demand on average above $60 per hour for their services. Maybe you could get some software or a book that can recommend a better plan or allow you to set a plan based off a database of recipes etc. Well now we're getting somewhere.

Lets have a look at books first. There is one major disadvantage that a printed book will always have compared to some computer software and that is as soon as its published, it begins to become outdated. Although some of the information will last the longer term (I'm talking about over a year as long term) most of it especially any recipes etc will become outdated because we like to change our tastes.

OK So what do you do. I suggest you find either some software or a website that contains a way to update the information it contains. This makes websites really cool for up to date information. Personally I use both. I have a software package that I use to plan my meals and I have membership to my favorite site where I go for research and detailed information.

So get started today in Eating Better to Lose Weight. Visit http://bettereating.vikley.com for a review of my favorite meal planning and dieting systems.

Cheers Simon

About the Author
Simon is a successful article author who is currently focusing on improving the lifestyle, health and wellness of all people including kids, whole families etc.

Check out his blog at http://eatingbetter2loseweight.blogspot.com/

Is the Lemonade Diet Drink Dangerous?

What is the lemonade diet drink? Well, you start with fresh lemon juice and purified water. Instead of sugar, you use organic, grade "B" maple syrup. You also add cayenne pepper. That helps open the blood vessels and get the concoction deep into the tissues of the body. The master cleanse drink is designed to be consumed throughout the day while you are on the diet. It cleanses the body thoroughly, since you are not eating regular food while you do it.
The master cleanse (as the lemonade diet was originally known) is basically a juice fast. For a period of 7-10 days normally--though it can be more--you drink 60-80 oz of a special lemon juice drink throughout the day. In the morning, when you first wake up, you drink a mixture of lukewarm water and sea salt to begin the internal flushing process. At night, you drink a cup of herbal laxative tea to help encourage the expulsion of the toxins that have collected in your body. Master cleanse experts recommend you stay near a bathroom for around an hour after drinking the salt water and the tea... if you know what I mean!

The lemonade diet drink has many benefits. Consuming the master cleanse drink is a quick way to eliminate waste and toxins. As a result, people report increased energy, feelings of physical lightness, improved mental clarity, better sexual drive and performance, and more. Some people also report that due to the decrease of poisonous toxins clogging up their bodies, they have rid themselves (or experienced diminished) acne, athletes foot, excema, arthritis, and more. These conditions, while they may not be totally caused by toxins, are definitely exacerbated by improper expulsion of toxic waste. And, oh yeah, you can also lose a lot of weight relatively quickly.

As with any "quick weight loss" type of diet (although I stress again, that is not the purpose of this diet), there can be dangers. Rapid weight loss is generally not a good idea, although there may be times when it is warranted. Please consult your physician. This diet does not contain any fiber--hence the laxatives. It also does not contain any protein. It won't kill you to go without protein for 10 days, but you may feel a little weak at times.

The hardest part of the lemonade diet is the first three days. The master cleanse drink--and the entire process--takes a little getting used to, but the bulk of the shock is out of your system after three days. It is critical that if you start, that you don't get discouraged during those first three days and quit. You will not get the full benefits of what can be a very rejuvenating process. Think of it as "rebooting your body." You will get as much of a fresh start as is possible, and you will find it well worth the difficulty. You will be amazed at the benefits you receive from the lemonade diet drink.

About the Author
If you try the Lemonade Diet, you want to make sure you are doing it correctly, or it could all be for nothing. Visit Lemonade Diet Drink today to learn more.

The Little Known Micro-Nutrients That Are Crucial In The Battle Against Ageing

Nutritional science is becoming increasingly interested in the potential of certain micro-nutrients, which appear to be of particular significance in the battle against ageing. These so-called anti-ageing micro-nutrients include lipoic acid, and the amino acid, carnitine.
Both lipoic acid and carnitine are manufactured naturally by the body through the normal metabolism of food, but what is particularly interesting to anti-ageing researchers is that the body's ability to synthesise both these compounds appears to decline significantly with advancing age.

Both lipoic acid and carnitine, the latter in particular, are very important in the complex processes by which food is converted by the body into energy. Lipoic acid is also a significant anti-oxidant, combatting the free radicals which are an important cause of the cellular damage which can accelerate the ageing process and even contribute to the onset of the degenerative diseases which are the source of so much misery in old age. Lipoic acid is quite quickly removed from blood plasma, which to some extent restricts its value as an anti-oxidant in its own right. However, the fact that lipoic acid is quickly taken up by the body's cells in this way may well be indicative of its significance for other functions. Moreover, there is now good evidence that supplementation with lipoic acid can help reverse the age-related decline in cell concentrations of vitamin C and glutathione, which are respectively the most important water and fat-soluble anti-oxidants, and consequently critical in the anti-ageing battle.

Both lipoic acid and carnitine have also been found to be crucial to the proper functioning of the cell mitochondria, the principal producers of energy within the body. What is particularly relevant in the field of anti-ageing is that the heart is very densely packed with mitochondria; and this vital organ not only consumes enormous amounts of energy, but is unable to store the energy it needs for more than a few minutes. The proper functioning of the heart, and therefore life itself, is very highly dependent on the proper functioning of these mitochondria, which is particularly prone to decline rapidly with age.

The powerful anti-oxidant functions of lipoic acid appear to be extremely important in protecting the cell mitochondria from damage, whilst carnitine works to maintain the delivery of energy to the mitochondria through the metabolism of the essential fatty acids which are the heart's principal source of energy; a metabolism which otherwise declines significantly with age. But the potential anti-ageing benefits of lipoic acid and carnitine do not end with the heart. Lipoic acid, in particular, is now widely used by nutritional therapists in ameliorating the nerve damage and pain caused by diabetes, and there is some evidence that carnitine may also be useful in this regard. Experiments on old animals, including rats and dogs, have suggested that supplementation with lipoic acid and carnitine may also have significant effects in improving brain function, particularly short-term memory, and this is not really surprising given that mitochondrial damage is strongly associated with age-related dementia and conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

There is evidence that mitochondrial damage in brain cells may be in large part due to increased free radical activity caused by the build up of excess iron, copper, and other minerals occurring naturally within the body. Excitingly, it seem that lipoic acid may actually reverse this build up, returning the levels of these minerals to those found in younger animals. More than this; the capacity of lipoic acid to remove excess metals from the body has led to it being used in the removal of more damaging substances such as lead and mercury; and suggests that the substance may have a more general detoxifying capability, of use even in cases of acute poisoning and alcohol or drug damage.

Finally, it is now widely accepted that many cancers are at root diseases of degeneration, becoming consequently much more prevalent as the population ages; and having their origins in the long-term damage to cells caused by free radical activity. Given this, it is believed that lipoic acid's anti-oxidant function, and role in stimulating the activity of vitamin and glutathione, may also play an important part in the battle against cancer. Lipoic acid is also known to help activate many of the genes which are vital weapons in this battle. It is conceded even by its advocates that much more research is required, but these are nevertheless exciting findings.

Despite all of this, however, orthodox medicine is characteristically reluctant to endorse the use of supplements of lipoic acid or carnitine, although there appear to be no concerns regarding toxicity with either. Suitable doses appear to be in the range 100mg-300mg of lipoic acid and 500mg-1,000mg of carnitine. But whilst these doses should be sufficient to deliver the general anti-ageing benefits in healthy individuals, nutritional therapists and practitioners commonly recommend much higher intakes for the treatment of specific conditions such as diabetes and the promotion of weight loss.

About the Author
Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in direct marketing and with a particular interest in health products. Find out more at http://www.sisyphuspublicationsonline.com/LiquidNutrition/Information.htm

Why Hypnosis CAN help you lose weight

Why Hypnosis CAN help you lose weight
Everyone wants instant results with weight loss. There are many products and programs on the market making all kinds of claims and there is a market for them. This is because people are lured by the promise of an easy and fast way, a way to lose weight with little or no effort. But are these 'easy' ways healthy and do they provide sustainable results for the long term?

Weight loss programs often revolve around crash dieting and a sudden increase in exercise. I am sure that many of you reading this article with interest have tried these kinds of approaches to losing weight. But what happens when you give up on the exercise, because it is too much for your body, or even when you reach your weight goal. You revert to your original weight or even put on weight, so that over time with many attempts you notice a general trend of weight increase. Not to mention the loss of self-esteem as the weight increases again.

How hypnosis can help

Hypnosis can help in two ways. The first of these is by helping you to develop good healthy habits that are sustainable. The second is by making you more relaxed and happier in yourself.

Hypnosis is an ideal tool for helping you to break old habits and develop new. It is that simple. If you can change your eating and exercise habits, you don't need to go on fad diets. Losing weight and changing body shape becomes a natural process. People often find that as their habits change, they become naturally happier in themselves. Not only because they are losing weight, but because they are more active, spend more time out doors and gain from the natural high a more active lifestyle gives. This increase in happiness leads to even more healthier eating/exercise habits in turn.

The second way that hypnosis can help is by clearing out those old emotions stored in our subconscious minds that tend to drag us down. Feeling down or bad about yourself is a great reason to sit around and eat. If those emotions are removed, and our self-esteem, energy and confidence is restored, then a more active lifestyle and improved eating habits result.

What happens in the weight loss with hypnotherapy program?

1. You develop a new self image. See yourself in the future after losing weight and make that your desired future outcome.

2. You learn to be more relaxed about weight loss and weight management. Stress is often a serious factor in bad diet and comfort eating.

3. Emotions are cleared. Fear, anger, guilt, sadness are all contributers to emotional eating. In hypnosis, these are cleared to give you back control.

4. You develop positive thinking about weight and diet. You will stop worrying about your weight and about weight loss and start looking forward to losing weight and achieving your goals.

5. Your exercise routines will increase if this is one of your goals.

6. You will become what you think - the self fulfilling image. In hypnosis if you think slim, you become slim through increased metabolism, exercise and reduced food intake.

About the Author
Jeremy Barbouttis, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Counsellor http://www.clinicalhypnotherapy.net.au

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Herbal Weight Gain

Yin and Yang are the two most fundamental concepts in Chinese medical philosophy. In anatomy, the human body is divided into yin and yang as follows: The internal region is yin, while the external region is yang; the fire viscera are Yin, while the six bowels are Yang.
In physiology, Yin stands for storage of energy while Yang stands for human activities. In pathology, Yin and Yang are used to describe two basic patterns of drainage. When Yang wins a victory there will be fever; when yin wins a victory there will be chill.

When yang is in deficiency, it will cause chill sensation in the superficial region; when yin is in deficiency there will be internal heat. Among the treatments based on this principle are sedating the excess and toning up the deficiency.

Herbal Weight Gain Principle in Action:

Herbal Weight Gain pills are used to improve the deficiency, for example yin or yang deficiency, energy deficiency , blood deficiency , shortage of fluids etc..

Herbal supplements helps improve food digestion, increase your appetite and strengthens your body’s absorption of vital nutrients. As a result of this higher metabolic absorption of the nutrients in our bodies, herbal weight gain supplements help your body convert food into body weight much more efficiently. In short, herbal weight gain supplements assists you to gain weight faster.

Please visit http://www.ngweightgain.com.sg/herbal-weight-gain.htm for more information...

About the Author
NG Weight Gain http://www.ngweightgain.com.sg/herbal-weight-gain.htm Tel: (65) 6336 5333 Singapore Contact Name: Isabel Tiong Email: isabel.tiong@bnshosting.net

Diet For Diabetes - What's A Good Diabetic Diet Plan

Diabetes is an increasingly prevalent disease in modern times and has been dubbed an epidemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Although it is still unknown why the disease has increased so much recently, it is known how the disease occurs. It is caused by a malfunction of the beta cells that are located in the pancreas. The beta cells produce a hormone, known as insulin, that helps to reduce the blood sugar level in the body. When a person has diabetes the beta cells are destroyed or the body has an inability to use insulin properly. Many people have this disease but are unaware of the fact. Many people that have it and are aware often mismanagement the treatment of the disease. This can lead to many problems. Immediate problems can include diabetic induced coma. In the long term there can be problems with the circulation, nervous and cardiovascular systems within the body. Part of the treatment of diabetes is by eating the proper foods and sticking to a diabetic diet. This article will discuss the issues involved with a diet for diabetes. Carbohydrates make up a large part of many peoples diets because they provide energy, in the form of glucose, to the body. However too many carbohydrates will cause the blood sugar levels in a diabetic to get high and cause problems. Thus a diet for diabetes involves understanding how carbohydrates work. Much emphasis in a diabetic diet is on the amount of carbohydrates and calories that are consumed at each sitting.
Simply put, simple carbohydrates should be avoided or consumed as a treat or in an emergency. Simple carbohydrates include things like soft drinks, chocolate and sweets and candy. They are called simple because they are easy to break down in the body and get into the bloodstream quickly. This is why many people think that sweet foods are bad for diabetics. To an extent they are because they cause spikes in the blood sugar level but this too can be managed and at times (like hypoglycemia) an intake of sugar is needed.

The opposite of simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. They are things like rolled oats that are harder to breakdown and let sugar into the bloodstream at a slower rate. Because of the slow breakdown, the blood sugar level is easier to manage which is the desired affect of any diabetic treatment.

Apart from watching the type of carbohydrates that are consumed, a diet for diabetes is a very healthy option that can benefit anyone. In fact, it is often the case that if one family member has diabetes the whole family can benefit form the types of foods that they eat which is an unlikely positive by product of the disease. The diet concentrates on eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The choices of foods are not limited and a person can follow the diabetic food pyramid for guidance. The food pyramid breaks foodstuffs down into carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It gives suggestions on the types of foods that fit into these categories and the amounts of each to be consumed each day. A diabetic diet also stresses the times that a person eats. They should always each at similar times each day and take a regular snack in between main meals.

A diet for diabetes will help you to manage your insulin levels and lower the risk of suffering from long term diabetic complications.

About the Author
Learn more about diabetic diet plans at http://www.diabeticdietsplan.com . The site deals with diets and eating healthy foods, Low carb, low glycemic index foods and some common symptoms of diabetes. Adrian writes on issues related to diabetes.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Live Longer and Healthier by Learning How to Lower Cholesterol With Resterol?

With the burgeoning numbers of fast food centers it is imperative that your cholesterol level will be up to the brim. However, cholesterol problems don't arise only because of what you eat. Family genetics may also be a major cause. But in both the cases the complications can be severe, if not deadly.
With the burgeoning numbers of fast food centers it is imperative that your cholesterol level will be up to the brim. However, cholesterol problems don't arise only because of what you eat. Family genetics may also be a major cause. But in both the cases the complications can be severe, if not deadly.

There are various options available when it comes to the treatment of this condition. Simply going by the conventional medical techniques that are prescribed by the doctor, or choosing to take supplement may not always help in curing the disease permanently, however, these medications if used with a natural approach by hiring the dietary supplement Resterol can be very effective. You will get awesome results by using this supplement in addition with your current treatment.

Restrol is completely safe to mix with your current medications, and can increase the probability of your success in overcoming high cholesterol. Also, it can be taken in almost any circumstances, irrespective of the treatment you are going through.

The all-natural blend of vitamins and minerals makes this treatment 100% safe from risks that may occur by conflicting with other medications. In case of doubts feel free to contact your doctor with any questions. You will be definitely relived to know that the product is purely risk free.

Even though this cholesterol treatment can be used without any other kind of medication, it is highly recommended that you use it along with a doctor's treatment plan. If taken independently the product will surely help lower cholesterol. However, having high cholesterol problems is a grave situation that needs a serious attention.

Your progress may not show up with regular check ups at the doctor but will guarantee that medical intervention will happen if required. If you make healthy changes in your diet, constitute a program of exercise, and use Restrol along with the prevailing treatment plan, you will see desired results coming up very quickly. You could amaze your doctor with your fast results and maintaining your progress long term.

The ingredients used in creating this product are chosen because of the specific qualities they have and their affirmative actions on the body since they are random fillers. This effective mixture of vitamins and minerals is backed by science, and is guaranteed to help you greatly. Restrol when coupled with existing treatment plans and positive lifestyle changes, will lead you to a balanced cholesterol chart. Don't make the condition of high cholesterol land up into something serious. Crush the problem in its early stage with Restrol.

About the Author
J. Zeggler is a internet health product expert. He reviews the top health related products including, Resterol, Read more on the Cholesterol lowering medication Resterol, to see what other people who have used Lipitrex think. Find out what people are saying.

Put A Stop To The Cholesterol And The Pounds In Surplus Without Therapy (11th Section)

I posed in this chapter (the patient) a certain number of questions to the doctor who answered me in a clear way.
All these questions correspond to the doubts and the various interrogations which were mine (the patient) during the first week of diet - without medicine - against cholesterol.

Question 1: Is there risks on middle term or the short term with my current cholesterol? How can one can detect it?

Doctor answer: Of course, you run cardiovascular risks since your cholesterol tends to block your arteries. Unfortunately, there exists that few signs visible, in addition very inconstant, testifying to an excess of cholesterol, such of the yellow spots on the level of the eyelids or a pearly aspect of the circumference of the iris. One can thus say that the only manner of discovering this anomaly is to undergo a blood analysis.

Question 2: What is the difference between a diet to lose weight, say to lose approximately between six and ten kilos and the anti-cholesterol diet which I want to follow?

Doctor answer: At the beginning, the idea is the same. Should be avoided hidden fats. The difference between the two died is that if one wants to kill the cholesterol, it will be necessary to remove in more rich foods in cholesterol and first the egg yolk. The hard-boiled egg, basic food of the reducing diets, very appreciated by mannequins IS FORMALLY PROHIBITED when one has cholesterol. You will find a table in a previous article (the false friends of cholesterol within Put an end to the cholesterol Part III) indicating what paradoxically is fatal during an anti-cholesterol diet but without danger during a regular diet:

Question 3: When one is an active person, there is no risk of an important fall of its energy when one follows an anti-cholesterol diet?

Doctor answer: Not at all, because the essential energy for your activities is mainly provided by sugars. It is necessary to distinguish slow sugars (rice, potatoes, paste) essential with a normal physical activity and fast sugars (pieces of sugar, dry fruits, certain fruits) which one will use during an effort or a specific sports activity. You can find very good information about the sugar in one of my previous article with the tittle: An enemy not to be underestimated: sugar! with “Put and end to the cholesterol Part IV”

Question 4: Wouldn't my anti-cholesterol diet be not easier with a medical aid, i.e. by taking medicines?

Doctor answer: In any way, you are quite able-bodied. It thus should be prevented taking some medicines which cannot act that within the framework of a preliminary died. Many people believe that the medicines replace the died. It is not true at all. It is a medical absurdity = nonsense. To give an example among others, it is not because you take some medicines that you have the right to take a ‘bearnaise sauce’ to accompany a nice steak!

For info, the ‘bearnaise sauce’ is in France a very popular sauce accompanying with taste a piece of meat. This is as well another version for the fish with the ‘hollandaise sauce’. But the bearnaise sauce is quite a nightmare for an anti-cholesterol diet. This is reduction of white wine with shallot, black pepper and tarragon where melted butter is added!

Question 5: How long will it be necessary for me to hope to find a normal cholesterol rate?

Doctor answer: In your case, you need at the minimum two till four months by following this diet in a good way and to check by a new blood test that your cholesterol is practically standardized.

Question 6: Then no more need for a diet against the cholesterol?

Doctor answer: It would be the largest error which you can make, because very quickly with the stop of the died you will return very quickly to the starting box. But I am not anxious because, after a few months, say 6 months, from this new feeding way you will feel in healthy form and you will have the proof that cholesterol for you is overcome. These elements will be a rather strong motivation so that you proceed in the good way.

You can find the rest of the Questions-Answer is the next article. I really hope you enjoy this information about the cholesterol.

About the Author
Patrick Beaufay will learn you how to begin with a diet against the cholesterol. detrimental cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) comes in particular from fat meats but it is not the merely headwater. If you wish to learn more: http://burn-fat-fast.blogspot.com/2008/01/put-end-cholesterol-part-xii.html" titel="burn fat fast" burn fat fast